The zero waste approach

"The most desirable waste material is the one we do not produce!"

Reducing disposable waste

Fighting the « disposable mentality » is at the heart of the Zero Waste approach. It consists in promoting alternatives to daily one-use products, which are responsible for huge amounts of waste and a wasteful consumption of earth re-sources.

Composting and sorting bio-waste

Bio-waste is organic waste: food waste, kitchen waste, green garden waste, paper, cardboard... They make up one third of our waste bins and therefore constitute a major lever to reduce our waste and waste of resources.

Extending the lifespan of products

Greenhouse gases emissions, resource consumption, waste production... our consumer goods are not neutral for the environment. Extending their lifespan is a crucial element of the zero waste process !

How to improve waste sorting and recycling

Unlike waste disposal technologies, recycling allows to preserve the material in order to reuse it in other products. Source separation, when carried out as soon as possible (at home, in companies…) is a crucial action for an optimized recycling.

Fighting polluting treatments

Dumping, incinerating, mechanical biological treatment… What do these categories correspond to ? The Zero Waste philosophy also involves knowing and questioning the different ways to process polluting waste.

Incentive Levers

Local and national taxation, modulations in product prices – such are examples of changes created by the zero waste trend. This trend means an adaptation of the economic signals sent to companies, local authorities and citizens in order to encourage virtuous behaviours or to punish any polluting treatment.